Chris Brown and Nia Guzman will raise Royalty together

After months of battling, Chris Brown and his baby mama finally agreed to put their differences aside and raise their daughter Royalty together.


Chris Brown and Nia Guzman are waving the white flag and ceasing the firefight… all in the name of working together to raise their one-year-old daughter.
According to sources connected to Breezy and Nia, both sat down and discussed a compromise on how they could raise Royalty, and the answer became crystal clear – they will do it together. They even reached an agreement on the activities Royalty will do! They will offer her swimming, gymnastics and dance classes, and guess what, they will bring her there together! What a revolution, considering their past relationship and the conflicts from this year.
Indeed, a few months ago, Nia didn’t want to see Chris Brown alone with their daughter. She concluded that he was too immature and irresponsable to raise a child. Chris and Nia battled for months over each other’s parenting skills, but in the wake of hammering out things in court … they’ve finally achieved peace. Perfect timing too, as it is indeed a month before the release of Chris’ album (due to out on November 27th) titled Royalty. Did Nia only change her mind on Chris’ abilities after she has seen his album cover holding Royalty in his arms, or is it all in good faith ?

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