Today in History

Today in History
Today in History

December 1
1135 Henry I of England dies and the crown is passed to his nephew Stephen of Bloise.
1581 Edmund Champion and other Jesuit martyrs are hanged at Tyburn, England, for sedition, after being tortured.
1861 The U.S. gunboat Penguin seizes the Confederate blockade runner Albion carrying supplies worth almost $100,000.
1862 President Abraham Lincoln gives the State of the Union address to the 37th Congress.
1863 Belle Boyd, a Confederate spy, is released from prison in Washington.
1881 Virgil, Wyatt and Morgan Earp are exonerated in court for their action in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Ariz.
1900 Kaiser Wilhelm II refuses to meet with Boer leader Paul Kruger in Berlin.
1905 Twenty officers and 230 guards are arrested in St. Petersburg, Russia, for the revolt at the Winter Palace.
1908 The Italian Parliament debates the future of the Triple Alliance and asks for compensation for Austria’s action in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
1909 President William Howard Taft severs official relations with Nicaragua’s Zelaya government and declares support for the revolutionaries.
1916 King Constantine of Greece refuses to surrender to the Allies.
1918 An American army of occupation enters Germany.
1925 After a seven-year occupation, 7,000 British troops evacuate Cologne, Germany.
1933 Nazi storm troops become an official organ of the Reich.
1934 Josef Stalin’s aide, Sergei Kirov, is assassinated in Leningrad.
1941 Japan’s Tojo rejects U.S. proposals for a Pacific settlement as fantastic and unrealistic.
1941 Great Britain declares a state of emergency in Malaya following reports of Japanese attacks.
1941 The first Civil Air Patrol is organized in the United States.
1942 National gasoline rationing goes into effect in the United States.
1955 Rosa Parks refuses to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus, defying the South’s segregationist laws.
1969 America’s first draft lottery since 1942 is held.
1971 Indian Army recaptures part of Kashmir, which had been occupied by Pakistan.
1981 AIDS virus officially recognized.
1986 Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North pleads the 5th Amendment before a Senate panel investigating the Iran-Contra arms sale.
1988 Benazir Bhutto, politician, becomes the first woman to serve as Prime Minister of Pakistan and the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state
1989 East Germany’s parliament changes its constitution, abolishing a section that gave the Communist Party the leading role in the state.
1990 Channel Tunnel sections from France and the UK meet beneath the English Channel.
1991 Ukraine’s voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the USSR.
2001 Trans World Airlines’ final flight following the carrier’s purchase by American Airlines; TWA began operating 76 years earlier. The final flight, 220, piloted by Capt. Bill Compton, landed at St. Louis International Airport.
Born on December 1
1761 Madame Tussaud, Swiss-born modeller in wax who founded the world-famous exhibition on London’s Baker Street.
1847 Julia Moore, poet.
1863 Oliver Herford, American humorist and poet.
1886 Rex Stout, writer, creator of detective character Nero Wolfe.
1913 Mary Martin, American actress.
1925 Martin Rodbell, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist.
1935 Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg], American actor, writer and director (Annie Hall).
1940 Richard Pryor, influential comedian, actor, satirist.
1945 Bette Midler, singer, songwriter, actress, producer; her awards include 3 Grammys, 4 Golden Globes, 3 Emmys and a special Tony for her contribution to Broadway (1974).
1949 Pablo Escobar, Colombian drug lord whose Medellin Cartel killed thousands.
1958 Candace Bushnell, author (Sex and the City, The Carrie Diaries).
1966 Andrew Adamson, New Zealand film director, producer, screenwriter (Shrek; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe); he was made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2006. Source: History Net

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