Today in History

December 10
1817 Mississippi is admitted as the 20th state.
1861 Kentucky is admitted to the Confederate States of America.
1862 The U.S. House of Representatives passes a bill creating the state of West Virginia.
1869 Governor John Campbell signs the bill that grants women in Wyoming Territory the right to vote as well as hold public office.
1898 The United States and Spain sign the Treaty of Paris, ceding Spanish possessions, including the Philippines, to the United States.
1917 The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the International Red Cross.
1918 U.S. troops are called to guard Berlin as a coup is feared.
1919 Captain Ross Smith becomes the first person to fly 11,500 miles from England to Australia.
1936 Edward VIII abdicates to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American-born divorcee.
1941 Japanese troops invade the Philippine island of Luzon.
1941 The siege of Tobruk in North Africa is raised.
1943 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs a bill that postpones a draft of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers.
1943 Allied forces bomb Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
1949 150,000 French troops mass at the border in Vietnam to prevent a Chinese invasion.
1950 Dr. Ralph J. Bunche becomes the first African-American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1977 On UN Human Rights Day, the Soviet Union places 20 prominent dissidents under house arrest, cutting off telephones and threatening to break up a planned silent demonstration in Moscow’s Pushkin Square. Soviet newspapers decry human rights violations elsewhere in the world.
1978 President of Egypt Anwar Sadat and Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin are jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1983 Democracy restored to Argentina with the assumption of Raul Alfonsin.
1989 Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj announces the establishment of Mongolia’s democratic movement that changes the second oldest communist country into a democracy.
1993 The Wearmouth Colliery in Sunderland, East England, closes, marking the end of the County Durham coalfield, which had been in operation since the Middle Ages.
Born on December 10
1830 Emily Dickinson, American poet of more than 1,000 poems, seven published in her lifetime.
1851 Melvil Dewey, American librarian who created the Dewey Decimal System.
1881 Viscount Alexander of Tunis, British soldier who took his title from his part in the Allied victories in North Africa.
1891 Nelly Sachs, Nobel Prize-winning poet.
1903 Mary Norton, English children’s author (Bedknobs and Broomsticks).
1907 Rumor Godden, English novelist (Black Narcissus).
1908 Oliver Messian, French composer (Quartet for the End of Time).
1911 Chester "Chet" Huntley, American broadcast journalist.
1914 Dorothy Lamour, actress, best remembered for co-starring with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in their "Road to" movie series.
1922 Agnes Nixon, writer, producer; creator of long-running TV soap operas (One Life to Live, All My Children).
1934 Howard Martin Temin, geneticist; shared 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
1941 Chad Stuart, singer, musician; half of the Chad & Jeremy folk rock duo.
1948 Abu Abbas (Muhammad Zaidan, Muhammad Abbas), a founder of the Palestine Liberation Front; led terrorist hijacking of cruise ship Achille Lauro.
1956 Rod Blagojevich, 40th Governor of Illinois; arrested on federal charges of trying to sell the US Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.
Source: History Net

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